These exceptional young Chinese American men and women Rho Psi scholarship award winners have risen to new heights. The experiences gained by the Rho Psi scholarship have provided an inspiration as a springboard to reach towards new heights and higher achievements.

Hai-Li Kong, 2011 Rho Psi Sports Scholarship Winner
Harvard University & Harvard Women’s Tennis Team 2012
At the age of 5, I began playing tennis. My accomplishments in tennis involve a championship title internationally and the opportunity to fundraise at the Arthur Ashe Kid’s Day at the US Open with Federer, Nadal, and other tennis favorites. Tennis has taught me to be confident with myself, how to deal with pressure, how to be a leader, and how to keep balance in my life between tennis, school, and my family and friends. I have been able to take studies seriously while I almost fulltime play tennis, as I have kept a 4.0 unweighted GPA since 6th grade.
I am very grateful that Rho Psi has supported me and promoted further achievement in tennis and academics for years. I have received 4 gracious Rho Psi Tennis Scholarships since I was 10. With these awards, I have had a successful junior tennis and academic career, and this coming fall I will continue this high achievement as a member of Harvard University and the Harvard Women’s Tennis Team.
In the future, I will continue to pursue academic and tennis goals and I will serve this community that has helped me. Rho Psi Scholarships have helped me so much, and I encourage all students to apply and see how much you can really achieve.

Darwin Li, 2011 Rho Psi Science & Technology Scholarship Winner
Princeton University 2012
Intel Talent Search & Siemens Competition Winner
Attending the Rho Psi Science and Technology Scholarship competition was one of the best decisions I had ever made. Not only was the experience financially rewarding, but also socially and mentally stimulating. At the event, I found that the members of the Rho Psi Society are among the smartest, kindest, and most humble individuals that I had ever met. By conversing with the members of Rho Psi, I received valuable feedback on my project and had a great time.
From the advice received and practice obtained from Rho Psi, I was able to submit an award winning (semifinalist) project into the Siemens Math:Science:Technology and the Intel Science and Talent Search competitions as well as win 1st place at the Virginia State Science and Engineering Fair. Most importantly, the experience encouraged and inspired me to study in the science and technology fields, which I will be doing at Princeton University this Fall.
I encourage all students who have conducted any type of scientific research to participate in this rewarding and unique experience.

Brandon Eng, 2011 Rho Psi Sports Scholarship Winner
Playing Collegiate Golf for Cornell University This Fall
The Rho Psi foundation is very generous in providing scholarship award opportunities. It recognizes and rewards students for pursuing their passions which are not limited to just academic achievements. Rho Psi reinforces these passions and supports the students in accomplishing their goals, especially with athletes. They have even created a Professional Preparation scholarship to aid students with goals of becoming professional athletes! But those students with simply the goal of being a college athlete receive benefits from Rho Psi’s support as well. This support is very valuable, especially for students like me, because I will be heading to college this Fall and tuitions are hefty.
Last year, Rho Psi has directly impacted my life when I was awarded the second place prize for my accomplishments as a competitive junior golfer. With Rho Psi members’ generous support, I am able to continue my passion for golf and will be playing Division I collegiate golf for Cornell University. With Rho Psi’s assistance, many other students including myself, are inspired to achieve higher aspirations and further pursue our dream, not only in our education, but also in our extracurricular passions.
Thank you, Rho Psi, for offering students a wonderful opportunity to be rewarded for achievements in what we love to do, and motivating us to strive for excellence in our future endeavors.

Mary Sun, 2011 Rho Psi Science & Technology Scholarship Winner
Intel STS Semifinalist & MIT 2012
Layman’s Summary: Adolescent depression frequently occurs with interpersonal problems, substance abuse, and attempted suicide. During a phenomenon called the gender shift, females become twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression after ages 13-15. I studied how alcohol use influences these gender differences in adolescent depression rates and tested gender-specific models of risk for depressive disorders. Instead of assuming that depression causes risky behaviors, I investigated the reverse mechanism in which risk factors contribute to depression development. Results suggest that gender-targeted prevention, including group counseling in females and age-related monitoring in males, could substantially decrease the prevalence of adolescent depression.
Updates: I was accepted early action to MIT, was named an Intel STS Semifinalist, and am again acting as the Lead Director of the second annual Northern Virginia Community Leadership Workshop for outstanding high school freshmen (flier attached). My science policy advocacy nonprofit is up and running at, and I am currently writing grants and excited to be planning our first conference!
On Rho Psi: The encouragement I received from Rho Psi was tremendously influential in my decision to continue research not only in public health, but also bioengineering at the NIH. I am truly grateful to the organization for such a fantastic opportunity, and would like to say thank you for their support of the interests of young people. I deeply admire Rho Psi’s generosity — this organization is a wonderfully positive representation of our heritage.