Those who are qualified and interested in applying for a “Young Rho Psi grant” must register as a Rho Psi Alpha Sub-Chapter (Young Rho Psi) member.  Your member registration request will be reviewed and approved or denied within two weeks.  You will be notified of your Young Rho Psi membership status via email.  Qualified applicants are Young Rho Psi Scholarship recipients, Rho Psi member descendants, and individuals with notable contribution to Rho Psi Society (e.g. Co-management of Rho Psi Project).

Apply to become a member



Please be reminded, you must meet at least one of the following to be qualified to apply:

  • Past Rho Psi Scholarship Awardees
  • Descendants of a Rho Psi Member
  • Persons invited to apply by a Rho Psi Member



In order to maintain active member status, Rho Psi Alpha Sub-Chapter members must post a minimum of 3 activities or accomplishments to the Rho Psi Internet. This can take the form of a Facebook post promoting the member’s achievement in the areas of Chinese American youth development, Chinese culture, or community service.